

Reporting a complaint

Complaints can be made in person to the office, by telephone, by email or by letter. This includes both informal discussions and formal complaints. If you are dissatisfied in any way with the service you have received from the Co-op you should in the first instance contact the Office and we will attempt to informally resolve your complaint.

If you make a formal complaint by phone, the Office will document the details. You will receive a follow-up letter confirming the Co-op’s understanding of your complaint, allowing you to make any necessary corrections.

Further details can be found in the relevant policy (below) for guidance.


Typically your point of contact should be the following people:

  1. If your complaint relates to a service issue or problem with your flat.

    Contact the Office (via email, phone, letter or in-person)

  2. If your complaint relates to a members behaviour or actions.

    Contact the Office (via email, phone, letter or in-person)

  3. If your complaint relates to the behaviour or actions of a member of staff.

    Email the relevant line manager:

    Copying the chair: chair@seymourhc.org

  4. If you wish to escalate an existing complaint.

    Email the Chair or Secretary.

Where emailing the Chair, Secretary or Line Managers, please be considerate that these positions are held by other coop members

An outline drawing of Seymour BuildingsAn outline drawing of Daventry StreetAn outline drawing of Grove Dwellings

Throughout the process, residents may contact the Housing Ombudsman service for advice in respect of the complaints process.

If you remain dissatisfied you can contact the Housing Ombudsman Service directly and they may be able to investigate how we dealt with your complaint.

The contact details for the Housing Ombudsman Service are:

  • Online: www.housing-ombudsman.org.uk
  • Phone: 0300 111 3000
  • Email: info@housing-ombudsman.org.uk
  • Address: Housing Ombudsman Service, PO Box 152, Liverpool L33 7WQ

If you require assistance or further information about a complaint, or policy please contact the Office.

20A Seymour Buildings

153-155 Seymour Place
